A picture of pure joy and pride…..

Congratulations to James Ogden the new MTGP World Champion!!!

A fantastic performance using perfect strategy against a really strong and dangerous opponent Fredrik Winters. James really had to dig in and keep focused in this fight and he proved his worth every second.

I can’t explain how proud and happy I am for James. After a very traumatic 10 months for him and Acen, his beautiful wife, they deserve to relish in this victory and happiness.

Thank you to Daz and Hassan our corner team, Mick Mullaney our Arjarn for all the hard work he puts in and to you…….our wonderful students who are always there to give support in such numbers (I’ve just took Guillem back to the airport, he came all the way from Germany to watch the fight!!!)

WickerCamp…..never give in!!


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