Thai Yoga Massage Info
Thai massage originated in North India over 2500 years ago and came from part of the yoga tradition. It left India and settled in Thailand where they changed the system to ally with Buddhism rather than yogic Hinduism and it became the Thai massage we know today. By combining Thai massage back with it’s roots in yoga, the system can be really effective not only physically but for stress, anxiety and creating more positive states of mind in our busy lives.
The technique includes:
• Using energy lines (sen lines and acupressure) to massage energy systems
• Applying supported yoga positions during the massage which uses hands, feet, elbows and knees.
• Using deep pressure, traction and thumb pressing
The yoga positions allow the massage technique to really work deeply around the mayo-fascial network helping to release and remove build up toxins in and around the muscles. The sen lines act as ‘railway tracks’ around the body and by working with these we can eliminate tension from all around the body.
Fascia which is a bodily network or web, coats the entire nervous system and protects it acting like a bridge between the nervous system and the physical body. When these two are out of alignment, emotional stress can be held onto which also restricts the development of the physical body (training is slow and muscles are tense and inflexible). Sometimes we feel pain in specific areas, yet because of the fascial network the issue might be in a very different location. Therefore, in Thai yoga massage, we work the whole system to free up any blockages or restrictions in the body but also in the mind.

Appointments are booked direct with Kayte. Please contact her at or 07730273713.

“I had my first appointment with Kayte last week and found it very helpful and informative. I particularly liked the deep pressure and traction which gave me a sense of relief and opening.

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