Cup Cake Day

thank you to everyone who bought cup cakes, once again they were a great success and we hope you enjoyed them.

If you would like to order cup cakes for a special occasion then check out

They will return and be available on our Team Sparring night Friday 12th May. A lovely treat for after you’ve sparred or whilst you’re enjoying watching others.

Group Grading 4th June 2023 

The grading list will go up next week on reception. Please ensure you have a chat with an instructor and get the go ahead before putting your name down. Remember you need to be training at least 3-6 months in your syllabus before considering grading………the longer the better. B2 and above you must know the Ram Muay 100% !!! Check out this beautiful rendition from Shaun Richardson….

Bank Holiday Weekend 

Another Bank Holiday!!! We will be open as usual Friday and Sunday but will only be open Monday morning for an extended Open Session 9 – 12noon (closed Monday evening). Come and join us for some bag or padwork and enjoy a free cuppa afterwards.

Gym Refurb

We will be doing some refurb over the bank holiday to include a bit of redecorating, tidying up and clearing out, refilling/repairing punch bags etc.

We request if you have any unwanted towels, sheets or clothes such as jumpers and tshirts please bring them in by Sunday morning.

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