The Sheffield Thai-Boxing Gym…
home of Wicker Camp, was founded in 1977 by Mick Mullaney in the Wicker area of Sheffield and operated as a non-profitmaking, charitable organisation for many years. In 1989 the old gym in the Wicker burnt down and Mick lost everything. Mick and his wife of 30 years Trix March found new premises and for the first 10 years lived there to dedicate their lives to creating one of the most successful Thai-Boxing camps in the country.
The Gym is dedicated to teaching authentic Muay Thai, and operates as a full-time community facility which offers classes, courses, seminars and private tuition to men, women and children. It is currently one of the oldest and biggest Thai-Boxing camps in the UK, and boasts the most champions of any Thai-Boxing gym in this country!!!
It is affiliated to the WMC (World Muay Thai Council), the world governing body for Thai-Boxing in Thailand through the UKMF (The United Kingdom Muay Thai Federation), the UK governing body. All the Instructors have years of experience training before they qualify to teach and all hold Professional Indemnity Insurance Certificates. The gym ensures that students from B2 level hold a licence book that contains their insurance cover, records for gradings, awards and competitions.
The gym comprises a massive 3000 sq.ft. with a complete range of “no frills” facilities. It has a 16′ platform ring, enough pads to accommodate a class of 40 and 2 separate private training rooms. This gym is not a sanitised corporate fitness establishment you might see in the city centre; you’ll know that you are in a traditional Muay Thai camp when you smell the boxing liniment as you walk up the stairs. We cater for the complete Beginner through to Instructor level and have classes for both adults and children with private women only sessions.
Our main gym comprises; 16′ platform boxing ring, fully matted training area, 20 assorted punchbags, speedball platform, floor to ceiling ball, 3 wall pads, clinchwork dummies and our beloved 22 stone Behemoth heavy bag. There are enough Thai pads and belly pads to accommodate a class of 40. There are 2 separate private training rooms with their own equipment to cater for one to one tuition or smalls groups of up to 10 people.
We have separate male and female changing rooms with showers and WC, a comfortable lounge/reception area offering free hot drinks. There’s a 50″ TV to watch Muay Thai fights from Thailand or you can put your favourite DVD film on.
There’s a shop offering refreshments and snacks and a well stocked Muay Thai shop offering a range of shorts, gloves, handwraps, Thai Oil, ropes, shin pads, hoody’s and t-shirts and much much more.
SO if you fancy a genuine and unique Muay Thai experience come and have a look around. You will get a warm friendly welcome and you’ll get a fair deal, never get ripped off and always get great value for money (that’s a promise).
What are you waiting for? Pop in for a chat about getting started or just go for it, your first session will be free. You will learn safely at a pace that suits you and the team of experienced Instructors have been teaching people just like you for 30 years.
Muay Thai will give you confidence, all round fitness and skills that will surprise even YOU!